Lucky, Li 李承翰, Author at CEREC Digest All digital Mon, 25 May 2020 05:41:34 +0000 en-US hourly 1 122944729 CEREC PrimeMill – 重新定義精準與效率的挑戰 Fri, 24 Jan 2020 18:24:17 +0000 還記得我在 IDS 2019 研磨機總評測一文中提到:「儘管 MCXL 已經上市有 12 年之久,依然是市面上名列前茅的診間用研磨機。」 沒想到就在今天,Dentsply Sirona 決定自己超越自...

The post CEREC PrimeMill – 重新定義精準與效率的挑戰 appeared first on CEREC Digest.

還記得我在 IDS 2019 研磨機總評測一文中提到:「儘管 MCXL 已經上市有 12 年之久,依然是市面上名列前茅的診間用研磨機。」

沒想到就在今天,Dentsply Sirona 決定自己超越自己,推出了新一代的診間用研磨機: CEREC Primemill




1. 更高的精準度以及成品完成度

提高精準度主要由三個方向著手:改良馬達的硬體零組件、更新軟體研磨策略、推出更細的直徑 0.5 mm Extra Fine (EF) 鑽針。

就原廠提供的數據,玻璃陶瓷能達到 25 – 45 um 的 marginal gap;氧化鋯是他們這次更新重點所在,可達到穩定的 19 – 21 um (標準差小表示意外的 Chipping 發生較少);至於本來就最不怕銑銷的 Hybrid ceramic 更是可以達到最低 15 um 的精密度。如今,研磨傷害終於能控制到低於 Resin cement 的 film thickness,未來關於邊緣完整性這件事就只剩參數調整了。

除此之外,Primemill 會在研磨過程中順便拋光打亮,讓產出的成品表面更光滑,大大減少後續手工調整的時間。


2. 更快的研磨速度

看上面好像多做了更多事,也用了更細的鑽針,那理論上研磨時間就要拉長吧?結果相反,新的軟體研磨策略讓路徑走的更短了,可以從展示的影片看到它一開始就使用了兩個維度的 Carving Mode,馬上就把瓷塊切得差不多了;而最細的鑽針也只會經過上一號鑽針走不到的地方以及 Margin 收尾,這個流程他們稱之為「Super Fast mill」。

對我個人來說這個模式最特別的地方,就是它兼顧了「高速研磨」以及「細鑽針」。CEREC User 們都知道,以往 MCXL 的研磨分為三種模式:快速、標準、高精細,而以研磨玻璃陶瓷單冠來講,所需耗費的時間分別為 5 分鐘、10 分鐘、20 分鐘,越精細磨越久這非常合理,但現在使用「Super Fast mill」研磨任何陶瓷材料都只要 4 分鐘,但卻還能保有大量細節,兼顧了速度與精細,這樣我已經想不到用其他模式的理由了。

另外在開始 Prep 或口掃之前,如果已經先確定材料,也可以先置入瓷塊讓機器開始校正、測量等前置步驟,這樣一來在掃描完設計完之後,研磨一按下去就可以直接開始研磨流程,這原廠稱之為「Pre-touch」。

兩個維度的 Carving Mode ,快速切除不需要部分


3. 使用者介面改良



新增的 RFID (Radio Frequency IDentification) 功能則是讓機器可以辨認每一支鑽針使用的次數提醒更換,就算鑽針有被拆下來過,不過這也代表會更難騙機器用一些特殊的磨法了吧。


4. 兼容更多可研磨材料

在軟體上整合了更多市面上瓷塊,可自由選擇 wet/dry milling 與 wet grinding,也加入了以前沒有的鈦金屬。附帶一提,新的研磨艙在乾式研磨後造成的粉塵會被吸得更乾淨,希望這能讓乾濕互換這件事不再那麼麻煩。

研磨完成後不再堆滿氧化鋯粉塵。 Reference: CEREC



參考了 Primescan 的設計語言,還在外面加了一條燈光進度條,就是要讓它看起來更潮一點。



總結來說,CEREC Primemill 的進化目標很明顯,就是三個:市面上最準、最快、最簡單。

不過,這些終究是原廠提供的資訊,待機器抵台後,我們 CEREC Asia 教育中心必定會進一步驗證。但在那之前,實際把玩起來的感覺會是如何呢?這就請現在正在 KOL 大會會場的陳鉉醫師,為我們帶來更多消息了!

The post CEREC PrimeMill – 重新定義精準與效率的挑戰 appeared first on CEREC Digest.

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2019 年診間用研磨機總整理 (Chairside CNC) Mon, 03 Jun 2019 15:17:29 +0000 CNC, Computer Numerical Control,是指由程式輸入精確指令,經由電腦編譯計算,透過位移控制系統,將資訊傳至驅動器以驅動馬達之機器,來切削加工所設計之零件。由於有著比三維列印...

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Table of Contents

CNC, Computer Numerical Control,是指由程式輸入精確指令,經由電腦編譯計算,透過位移控制系統,將資訊傳至驅動器以驅動馬達之機器,來切削加工所設計之零件。由於有著比三維列印更為穩定的成品,以及在陶瓷輸出上的獨佔性,在數位牙科領域廣為運用。

兩年前,世界各大 CNC 廠商紛紛加入數位牙科領域,一時間各式研磨機百花齊放;時至今年,已經只剩下幾家廠商挺立戰場,也與其他上下游廠商建立起聯盟,這些廠商都是在兩年前就已經專心致力於牙科用 CNC,力求將繁雜的工業用儀器調整成非工業背景的牙醫師或牙技師也能操作的儀器,而不是那些從其他產業 CNC 聞香跨足而來的廠商。由此可見,專注目標客群與重視客戶需求才是在市場上存活的關鍵。

這些廠商有:Dentsply Sirona、Planmeca、Ivoclar Digital、imes-icore、vhf、DGSHAPE (Roland)、 IDC (Amann Girrbach)

每間廠商也針對不同使用者的用量與材料需求,推出不同取向的研磨機,從自動收納切換盤、自動乾溼切換清洗槽的大型技工室用研磨機,到追求安靜效率的診間用研磨機。一直以來我個人都相信 Chair-side 才能發揮數位牙科的完全價值;再者,越簡單越困難,要把大型的銑銷儀器縮小到診間用,也考驗著一家硬體商的實力。於是,本文評測的主要目標,是 2019 年市面上主流的診間用研磨機。



1.幾軸 : 影響適應症

目前市面上研磨機可粗分為兩種,四軸 (XYZA) 與五軸 (XYZAB),這兩者最大差別就在無法銑銷到的區域大小,如下圖示,四軸機無法銑銷到的範圍如圖一,五軸機理論上不應有無法銑銷到的地方,但由於鑽針進入的路徑以及支持的位置,仍有部分是無法銑銷到(圖二),只是範圍相對較小且較不怕倒凹。這個限制也直接導致了臨床適應症不同,大部分的贗復物由於有其置入徑,不應會有倒凹,唯一四軸有可能車不出來的是長徑距植體牙橋與多顆植牙導板。但這兩者也鮮為 chair-side 治療的項目,故多數 chair-side 研磨機為四軸機。

4 軸機的四個方向,紅色圈選處是無法銑銷到的區域
5 軸機的五個方向,紅色圈選處是無法銑銷到的區域

2.最細鑽針大小 : 影響邊緣完整性與 Prep 要求

由於精細度的需要,理論上鑽針是越小解析度越好,在研磨時過切的狀況會越少。但不幸的是,任何材料在越細的時候強度也會降低,過細的鑽針研磨時就算沒有因而折斷,單純鑽針自身因受力造成的彎曲,就會導致誤差。因此,在不過度減弱自身強度的前提下能達到的最細鑽針大小,就是一台研磨機的解析度,而這也是與我們牙醫師最常要求的邊緣完整度還有 Prep 的圓潤度最相關的一項。以目前的進度,0.5 – 0.6 mm 是各家研磨機的極限,少數廠商在研磨氧化鋯的情況下能使用 0.3 mm 的 round bur。

3.適用 block 種類 : 影響適應症

基本上 chair-side 研磨機都能研磨所有的玻璃陶瓷、氧化鋯、樹脂 block,最大的差異是有些研磨機能額外銑銷燒結完成的金屬,用來製作植體的 customize abutment 。

4.最大瓷塊尺寸 : 影響產品尺寸限制

一般診間用研磨機因為其目的多是置入 block,較少使用 disk,而通常會有較大尺寸的 block 多為 PMMA、e.max、氧化鋯,用來製作牙橋或是手術導板,尤其氧化鋯會燒結收縮必須放大研磨,所以需要更大的體積。因此能置入的 block 大小就限制了臨床贗復物能製作的體積

5.最多排程瓷塊數量 : 能無人操作的成品數量

在技工端的研磨機中,由於產量較大,時常會有過夜研磨、或是工作排程好就自動化減少人力介入的需求,這時候研磨機能排程且自動換盤自動研磨的數量就會大大影響產量與種類。雖然大部分的 chair-side 研磨機由於研磨時間短、多為當天完成或是單顆贋復物,不太需要這功能,但仍有些機器有提供排程功能。

6.單冠銑銷耗時 : 數位工作流程效率、總產量

在 Chair-side CAD/CAM 單顆牙冠產出的速度是非常重要的,如果只製作單顆,從十分鐘變二十分鐘是還好,但做到同時四五顆以上的贗復物時,時間從五十分鐘變成一百分鐘就會產生非常大的差異。尤其是在有多醫師同時進行數位治療的情況下,排隊等待機器造成的延宕、約診困難甚至是加班也是一個無形的成本。

7.乾溼式銑銷 : 影響氧化鋯燒結時間

氧化鋯燒結時,需要從乾燥的狀態開始,如果是在潮濕的狀態下就必須額外增加 30 分鐘的 pre-dry 乾燥流程,因為有這個需求廠商也推出了乾式研磨,或是可以乾濕切換的機型。但根據大多數位牙科工作者的經驗,到頭來許多乾溼合併的機器也常只固定在單一個模式,主因是乾濕切換時如果殘餘的氧化鋯粉末清理得不夠乾淨,隨著水流進入管線容易造成研磨機的損壞,目前只有少數技師端研磨機有自動切換槽洗淨功能。

8.空壓機、外接水箱需求 : 影響診間噪音以及空間


9.軟體操作方式 : 影響使用者學習曲線、偵錯能力

研磨機的驅動與研磨策略需要軟體控制,軟體中也會有許多參數供研磨需求調整,以前有些研磨機在研磨時通常需要在旁邊連接一台筆電來操控,現在除了高度整合的系統 (如 CEREC、Planmeca) 已經將 CAD 跟 CAM 軟體整合為一之外,許多診所端新機型也直接將電腦內置,改成機身上的觸碰式介面,同時簡化參數以及輸入流程,讓醫師或診所內技師可以更直觀的使用,免除很多工程上的繁雜設定。

10.特殊研磨策略 : 影響銑削效率、細節完整度、材料限制

隨著不同贗復體臨床需求以及效率上的提升,很多廠商一直持續改進研磨策略,這包含了:研磨路徑、鑽針選擇、移動速度、接觸角度、扭力 … 等,比較常被提起的是 Curving mode,在一開始一次性切除用不到的範圍,大幅度減少需行走的路徑來節省時間; Thrilling mode,可以直接垂直方向鑽孔,做出植牙贗復物用孔洞,讓沒有內建孔洞的瓷塊也能接上各種植體支台; 以及 Margin protection,在軟體上標示出醫師最重視的邊緣區域,研磨該區域時使用最精細的車針最輕柔的力道,以防 chipping 發生。

Carving mode 研磨過程

11.價錢 : 影響銀行帳戶數字

嗯…需要解釋嗎?本文紀載的售價為 IDS 2019 展場問到的官方售價,實際零售價勢必有所不同。



市面上常見診間用研磨機 簡評

Dentsply Sirona – MC XL

由 Sirona 在 2007 年推出的長青四軸研磨機,承襲了自 CEREC 2 開始的左右雙鑽針同時研磨提高效率。並加入了第二組更細的研磨鑽針 (EF Bur 0.6mm),研磨過程中不換取鑽針,而是直接旋轉馬達運用另一組鑽針,進一步減少替換工具時間。研磨機的操作軟體已與口掃、CAD、一同整合成 “CEREC” 一套軟體,因此隨著軟體更新,穩定性、表面特徵、邊緣完整度等研磨策略也一起更新,也因為與設計軟體連動,研磨時提供 margin 保護功能,也內建鑽針檢查與錯置防呆功能。雖上市至今已 12 年,但跟今年看到的機器比較起來仍絲毫不遜色,是所有診間用研磨機中,單冠研磨時間最短的。

已直接整合進 CEREC 軟體中的研磨機操作介面



PLANMECA – Planmill 40 S

Planmeca (前身E4D) 於2017 年推出的 Planmill 40 後續機種,S 是 SMART 的縮寫,它代表了會自動計算最佳研磨路徑、自動引導清潔與保養、自動切換受損或斷裂鑽針,旨在減少牙醫師請工程師來維護的需要。Planmeca 也提供一個完整整合的 workflow,一樣是雙邊鑽針設計,單冠研磨時間約在 10 分鐘左右。使用獨家的瓷塊柄,不過目前常見的材料商也大多有出 for Planmeca 的柄,不成問題。有著本次評測中最便宜的售價。最大的缺點是最小的鑽針直徑 1mm,相較於其他廠牌顯著較粗。

Planmill 適用材料以及特殊柄
(Source: )



Ivoclar Digital – Programill One

於 IDS 2017 隨著 Ivoclar 新產品線 Ivoclar Digital 一併推出的診間用研磨機,最大的特色,就是他是目前市面上唯一的「五軸」的診間用研磨機,並且可以排程五個瓷塊自動更換,使用平板 app 遠端操控研磨,當初上市時因其簡潔美觀的設計以及五軸銑銷展示轟動一時。不過仔細探究細節後,會發現這台機器只能使用 Ivoclar 自己的瓷塊,選擇較為受限,更大的缺陷則是因為空間較小,只能銑銷短於 45 mm 的修復體,無法製作長牙橋或導版,我今年在展場詢問原廠何時會改善這部分,目前是還沒有這個打算。

很潮的研磨機遙控 APP
Programill One 的材料限制與特殊柄



imes-icore – CORiTEC One

德國研磨機大廠 imes-icore 於今年 IDS 2019 推出的四軸新機型,乾濕兩用。市場主打 Chairside,但體型略大,類似技師用研磨機,有內建空壓機以及水箱,可同時研磨三顆瓷塊,也可研磨特定廠牌的金屬 Prefabricated abutments 與 PEEK。我覺得最大的改良就是操作軟體的內建以及介面人性化,更為直觀的操作讓醫師端的操作人員更好上手,是一台很有臨床潛力的研磨機。

CORiTEC One 內建電腦操控顯示屏以及圖像化界面



vhf – Z4

vhf 是一間專精於各領域研磨機的德國重工業公司,該廠的牙科商品定位相當明確,Z4 定義為 Same-day dentistry 使用的機器,機型小、有內建水箱跟空壓,附帶軟體操作介面不需外接電腦,軟體附帶防呆裝置,放錯鑽針會提醒。使用標準瓷塊柄,提供 2 秒快接功能,一次能車一顆,最多能研磨到鈦金屬的 Prefabricated abutments,基本上在市場上定位接近 CORiTEC One,但尺寸更小一些。

Z4 也有著簡單明瞭的內建觸碰操作介面




DGSHAPE 是 2017 年由日本 Roland 拆分出來的子公司,由於看見了三維列印的商機,這子公司成立目的就是要擴展原品牌,從純牙科用研磨機的業務,轉向 3D 列印以及醫療用快速成形。因此,今年 DGSHAPE 推出了一台新的牙科用 3D 列印機,研磨機則沒有顯著更新。DWX-42W 有著 Curving mode 與為了此目的設計的特殊鑽針來提高研磨效率,可同時研磨三顆瓷塊,但缺點是因並非完全定位在診間用研磨機,所以仍需外接空壓機,也需要另外外接操控用電腦,沒有內建控制顯示器,材料選擇也較少。

Curving mode 用特殊鑽針




IDC 是硬派德國研磨機咬合器廠商 Amann Girrbach 今年推出的子品牌,旨在建立一條完整的 Chair-side Digital Workflow。這台機器其實就是 Ceramill matik ic,差別在因為其 chairside 導向,把原本的外接水箱縮小藏到機身裡去了,但保留了 Amann Girrbach 專精的多種研磨策略 (Curving mode、Thrilling mode…等),也有著所有機型中最小的鑽針直徑。這台機器目前也被 Straumann、Carestream 等大廠牌所貼標,為廠商端整合數位流程最喜歡的 chairside 研磨機。

前身, Amann Girrbach Ceramill matik ic
Carestream 跟 Straumann 的貼標機



Chairside CNC 規格比較總表

最後,最重要的,附上我在整個 IDS 2019 展場東奔西跑詢問下整理出來的規格比較表。 (因為我那幾天真的跑得很累,所以我也希望大家先幫我個小忙)



根據這次的整理,可以依每台診間用研磨機的特長簡單地下個市場定位:如果你想找的是操作簡單、一條龍整合完整、研磨效率最高的機器,CEREC MCXL 會是你的選擇;如果你有預算上的考量,Planmill 40 S 是最經濟實惠的機型;如果你工作上會運用到很多類型的材料,CORiTEC One 提供了幾乎所有材料的選擇;如果你希望有最高細節的成品,或是想跟各大廠商用同一台研磨機,Amann Girrbach 血統的 Mikro IC (PL900S) 是最受歡迎的機器;如果你希望診所有品味看起來很時尚,Programill One 絕對是一個點亮你診間的高級藝術品;如果你行事穩健,低調不愛出鋒頭,Z4 各項數據表現雖皆未達頂尖但也沒有出現明顯缺點。

以上,期許本文能夠在這數位牙科風起雲湧的時代,給想跨入 Chair-side CAD/CAM 的同好們一點協助,讓挑選研磨機這最昂貴卻資訊最不完整的的一塊變得清晰。

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2019 Review of Chairside Milling Machines (CNC) Mon, 03 Jun 2019 05:29:19 +0000 CNC, Computer Numerical Control, means inputting precise commands, translate and calculate via compu...

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CNC, Computer Numerical Control, means inputting precise commands, translate and calculate via computer, and transmitting the information to the driver and motor through the positioning control system. It is widely used in digital dentistry because its product consistency compared to 3D printing and its exclusivity in ceramic output.

Two years ago, the world’s major CNC manufacturers joined the digital dental field, and all sorts of milling machines emerged. Now, only a few manufacturers still exist, and they have established alliances with other upstream and downstream manufacturers. These manufacturers have been focused on dental CNC since the beginning, and strive to adjust the complicated industrial instruments into machines that dentist or dental technician without industrial background can operate, unlike the other manufactures in the CNC industry. This shows that focusing on the targeted customer and paying attention to customer needs is the key to survival in the market.

These manufacturers are: Dentsply Sirona , Planmeca , Ivoclar Digital , imes-icore , vhf , DGSHAPE (Roland) , and IDC (Amann Girrbach).

Each manufacturer also introduces different milling machines for different users’ required production quantity and material requirements, ranging from huge lab machines with automatic storage tray, automatic wet/dry switching cleaning tank to quiet and efficient chairside milling machines. I personally believe that only chair-side milling machines can fully unleash the potential of digital dentistry. Moreover, the simpler the more difficult it is. Minimizing huge milling machines for chairside use challenges the hardware capability of the manufacturer. Therefore, the main purpose of this article is to review the mainstream chairside milling machines in the market in 2019.


The evaluation checklist of milling machines

1. How many axes: affects clinical indications

Currently, the milling machine on the market can be roughly divided into two categories, four-axis (XYZA) and five-axis (XYZAB) . The biggest difference between the two is the size of the area that cannot be milled. The area that cannot be milled in four-axis machines is shown in Figure 1. Theoretically, there shouldn’t be places that a five-axis cannot mill. However, due to the path of the bur and the ceramic block mounting area, there are still some parts that cannot be milled (Fig. 2), but the area is relatively small and less susceptible to undercuts. This limitation also directly leads to different clinical indications. Most restorations shouldn’t have undercuts due to the need for path of insertion, so the only contraindication of four-axis miller is long span implant bridge and surgical guide for multiple implants. However, both of these are usually not included in chair-side treatment cases, so most chair-side millers are four-axis machines.

The four directions of the 4- axis machine, the red circle is the area that cannot be milled.

The five directions of the 5- axis machine, the red circle is the area that cannot be milled.

2. The size of the smallest bur: affects marginal integrity and preparation requirements

In theory, the smaller the bur is, the better the resolution will be, and the less over-milling will occur during milling. But unfortunately, smaller burs are more fragile. Even if the smaller burs do not break, the bending of the bur when under stress will introduce errors. Therefore, the smallest bur size that can be achieved without excessively weakening its own strength is the resolution of the miller, which affects the marginal integrity that dentists care so much about and is also effected by the roundness of the preparation. Currently, 0.5 – 0.6 mm is the limit of most milling machines. Few of the manufacturers can use 0.3mm round burs during the milling of zirconia.

3. Applicable block type: affects clinical indications

Basically, most chair-side millers can mill all kinds of glass ceramics, zirconia, and resin blocks. The biggest difference is that some millers can also mill sintered metal used for customized implant abutments.

4. Maximum ceramic block size: affects size limitation of product

Most chair-side milling machines mill blocks and not disks. Larger blocks are usually in PMMA , e.max , and zirconia, which are used for bridge prosthesis or surgical guide. Because of its shrinkage during sintering, zirconia blocks tend to be bigger. Therefore, the size of the block that can be placed in the miller limits the size of the prosthesis that can be fabricated.

5. Maximum scheduled milling amount: affects the automated productivity

Due to the large output quantity requirement of lab millers, overnight milling or automated milling is needed. Therefore, the amount that can be scheduled and change blocks automatically greatly affects productivity and variety. Although most chair-side millers have short milling time (single restoration or same-day delivery cases) and do not require this function, some machines still have scheduling capabilities.

6. Single crown milling time: affects digital workflow efficiency and total output

The speed of milling a single crown in chair-side CAD/CAM is very important. For only one crown, the difference between ten minutes and twenty minutes doesn’t seem much, but when you have four or five restorations milling at the same time, the difference between fifty minutes and one hundred minutes makes a big difference. Especially when multiple dentists are performing digital treatment at the same time, the time wasted waiting for the machine to mill and difficulty to arrange appointments deliver or even working over-time adds intangible costs.

7. Dry and wet milling function: affects zirconia sintering time

When zirconia is sintered, it needs to start from a dry state. If it is wet, an additional 30 minutes of pre-dry drying process is required. Because of this, manufacturers also introduce dry milling, or models that can switch between wet and dry milling. However, according to the experience of most dental workers, most dry/wet combined machines are still often fixed in a single mode. The main reason is that if the residual zirconia powder is not cleaned thoroughly during dry and wet switching, it will flow into pipelines of the machine with water and cause damage to the miller, and currently only a few lab millers have automatic switching tank cleaning function.

8. Air compressor, external water tank: affects noise and space

The milling machine is powered by air pressure, so early models usually had to be connected to a source of high-pressure air, either from a central control room or an external air compressor. However, placing external air compressors in the clinic causes excessive noise and space occupation. Therefore, the air compressor is usually integrated into the chair-side milling machine nowadays. Since the milling subject is relatively simple and small, the amount of pressured air needed is also relatively small. The water used in the milling machine is usually recycled. As the powder produced during milling is mixed into the water, the water will get dirty eventually and needs to be changed. Therefore, due to the large output of lab milling machine, most are equipped with an external large-capacity water tank, while the chair-side milling machines usually use smaller internal water tanks.

9. Software operation mode: affects the user’s learning curve, debugging ability

The drive and milling strategy of the miller requires software control. There are also many parameters in the software for the adjustment of milling. In the past, some millers need to be connected to a laptop when milling. Nowadays, in addition to highly integrated systems (such as CEREC, Planmeca) that integrate CAD with CAM software, some new chair-side models also have built-in computer with touch interface, simplifying the parameters and input process for dentists and technicians.

10. Special milling strategy: affects milling efficiency, detail integrity, material limitations

As the requirement for clinical efficiency is increased for different restorative types, many manufacturers have continued to improve their milling strategy, which includes: milling path, bur selection, moving speed, contact angle, torque… etc. There are a few modes that are often mentioned.

Carving mode: cutting away large portions of material that will not be used at the beginning of milling, greatly reducing traveling path of the bur and saving time

Thrilling mode: Drilling vertical holes for implant restorations, so that ceramic blocks without built-in holes can also be connected to all sorts of implant abutments.

Margin protection: Marking the margin area that dentists care most about on the software, and uses the lightest force and finest bur to mill this area to prevent chipping.

Three different special milling strategies

Carving mode milling process

Price: affects your bank account numbers

Um … does this need explanation? The price mentioned in this article is the MSRP quoted at IDS 2019. The actual retail price may differ.



A brief review of milling machines in the market

Dentsply Sirona – MC XL

A four-axis miller announced by Sirona since 2007, inherits the simultaneous milling of left and right double-bur starting from CEREC 2 to increase efficiency. A second set of finer burs (EF Bur 0.6mm) was added. The burs do not need to be changed during the milling process. A rotating motor is used to utilize the second set of burs, reducing the time required for bur changing. The operating software of the miller has been integrated into the “CEREC” software package along with oral scanning and CAD. As the software is updated, stability, surface characteristics, marginal integrity and milling strategies are also updated. Also, because CAD software is integrated, it provides margin protection when milling, along with built-in bur check and foolproof function. Although it has been on the market for 12 years, it is still on par with the other new machines seen this year. It has shortest milling time for single crown in all the chair-side milling machines.

Milling machine interface that has been directly integrated into the CEREC software.



PLANMECA – Planmill 40 S

Planmeca (formerly E4D) introduced the Planmill 40 follow-up model in 2017. “S” is the abbreviation of SMART, meaning it can automatically calculate the optimal milling path, automatic cleaning and maintenance, automatically change damaged or broken burs, aiming to reduce the need of maintenance by engineers. Planmeca also offers a fully integrated workflow, the same double-bur design, with a single crown milling time of about 10 minutes. It uses exclusive porcelain block handles, but most of the current material suppliers offer handles for Planmeca, so that shouldn’t be a problem. It is the cheapest in this review. The biggest drawback is that the smallest bur diameter is 1mm, which is significantly bigger than other brands.

Available materials for Planmill and its special handle
(Source: )



Ivoclar Digital – Programill One

Programill One is a part of Ivoclar Digital, the new product line announced in IDS 2017, and is the only “five-axis” chair-side milling machine on the market, with the capability of scheduling five blocks for auto-change. It is capable of being remote controlled by apps on tablets. Due to its minimalistic and beautiful design and five-axis milling capability, it caused a sensation when it was first announced. However, after a closer look, you will find that this machine can only use Ivoclar’s own porcelain blocks, which limits the choice. The bigger problem is its small space. Only restorations shorter than 45 mm can be milled. Longer bridge or guiding plate cannot be milled. I asked the manufacturer this year if this will be improved, but it seems that they have no such plan at the present.

Cool looking remote control APP

The limited material choice of Programill One and its special handle



imes-icore – CORiTEC One

The German milling machine manufacturer imes-icore launched their new four-axis model in IDS 2019 this year, which boasts wet and dry milling capability. It is targeted for chairside, but it is slightly larger, similar to a lab-use milling machine. It has a built-in air compressor and water tank. It can mill three porcelain blocks at the same time, and can also mill metal prefabricated abutments and PEEK of specific brands. I believe the biggest improvement is the integration of operating software and the user-friendly interface. The more intuitive operation makes it easier for the user. It is a milling machine with great clinical potential.

CORiTEC One has built-in controlling display and graphical interface.



vhf – Z4

Vhf is a German heavy industry company specializing in grinding machines in various fields. The dental product positioning of the factory is quite clear. Z4 is defined as the machine used by Same-day dentistry . It is small in size, has built-in water tank and air pressure, and comes with software. The operation interface does not require an external computer, the software comes with a foolproof device, and the wrong drill pin will remind you. Using a standard ceramic block handle, it provides a 2 second quick-connect function, only single mill at a time, and can be ground to a pre-prefabricated abutments of titanium . It is basically positioned close to CORiTEC One on the market , but in smaller size.

Z4 also has a simple and clear built-in touch operation interface.




DGSHAPE is a subsidiary that was split by Roland in Japan in 2017. Since it saw the business opportunities of three-dimensional printing, the subsidiary was established to expand the original brand, from pure dental grinder business to 3D printing and medical use. Rapid prototyping. Therefore, this year DGSHAPE launched a new dental 3D printer, which was not significantly updated. The DWX-42W has a Curving mode and a special burr designed for this purpose to improve the grinding efficiency. It can grind three porcelain blocks at the same time. However, the disadvantage is that the internal air compressor is still needed because it is not completely positioned in the clinic. There is also an additional external control computer, no built-in control display, and fewer material options.

Special burs for Curving mode.




IDC is a sub-brand launched this year by Amann Girrbach, a hardcore German grinding machine articulator manufacturer , to create a complete Chair-side Digital Workflow . This machine is actually a Ceramill matik ic . The difference is that the original external water tank is hidden in the fuselage because of its chairside orientation, but the Amann Girrbach specialization of various grinding strategies (Curving mode , Thrilling mode, etc. ) is retained . It also has the smallest drill diameter of all models. This machine is currently labelled by major brands such as Straumann and Carestream , and is the favorite chairside grinder for the manufacturer to integrate the digital process.

Predecessor, Amann Girrbach Ceramill matik ic.

Carestream with Straumann labeling machine.



Chairside CNC Specifications Comparison

Finally, the most important one, I attached the specification comparison table that I sorted out under the IDS 2019 exhibition. ( Because I was actually tired in the past few days, I also hope that everyone will help me a little. )


Sum up

According to this arrangement, you can use the characteristics of the grinder in each clinic to easily locate the market: If you are looking for a machine that is simple to operate, integrated and complete, and the most efficient grinding, CEREC MCXL will be your choice; If you have budgetary considerations, the Planmill 40 S is the most affordable model; if you work with many types of materials, CORiTEC One offers almost any choice of materials; if you want the highest detail, Or want to use the same grinder with major manufacturers, Amann Girrbach ‘s Mikro IC (PL900S) is the most popular machine; if you want the clinic to have a taste that looks fashionable, Programill One is definitely a light up in your clinic. High-level art; if you act steadily and low-profile, Z4 data performance is not up to the top but there are no obvious shortcomings.

Above, I hope that this article will help the practitioners who want to step into the Chair-side CAD/CAM in the era of digital dental, so that the most expensive and least informative piece of the grinding machine becomes clear.

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Report on Development Trends at IDS 2019 Tue, 09 Apr 2019 16:17:18 +0000 ” Sometime in the past, we stopped comparing smartphones based on technological prowess, but instead on their camera resolution, processor speed, and aesthetic design. That

The post Report on Development Trends at IDS 2019 appeared first on CEREC Digest.


” Sometime in the past, we stopped comparing smartphones based on technological prowess, but instead on their camera resolution, processor speed, and aesthetic design. That was the time when the technology had really matured. From IDS 2017, it is clear to me that global dentistry and dental manufacturers are no longer skeptical toward digital dentistry, and instead are sprinting into this new era. Judging from the progress we witnessed, I believe that digital dentistry will fully mature before the next IDS.”

– The conclusions of my report on IDS 2017 two years ago.

Indeed, two years later we saw digital dentistry becoming fully developed at IDS 2019.

While the participating exhibitors has not changed in general (and most still had similar booth layouts and locations), intraoral scanners saw new advancements and new software that was capable of greater integration. The competition in milling machines has settled a bit, while a new battle has taken form in the 3D-printing market. At the same time, jaw motion tracking devices are simpler, implant navigation are struggling to survive against the overlapping niches of surgical guides, and the competition in zirconia ceramics has become more saturated than ever. Meanwhile, improvement of user interfaces, digital orthodontics, and patient motivators offered new possibilities for the road ahead.

This report focuses on larger trends, and separate articles will follow to describe each topic in detail, so stay tuned!


1. The development of intraoral scanner technology has reached a summit

Most major manufacturers introduced a new-generation intraoral scanner this year. From the group that didn’t perform so well in 2017 (Carestream, Planmeca, Dentalwing, GC, iTero, and Medit), great progress has clearly been made. Some of these devices perform almost as well as the Omnicam and Trios devices from two years ago, and have reached the level where they are very suitable for everyday clinical use.

Dentsply Sirona and 3Shape, which had already been the leaders in this field, tried to achieve new breakthroughs. For its part, Dentsply Sirona opted to continue strengthening the development of its intraoral scanners. Its Primescan scanner used an all-new scanning principle to achieve even faster data acquisition, even greater depth of field, and improved processing of signals from surfaces that are highly reflective or have little to no characteristics, and the scanner’s larger scanning sensor improves full-mouth scanning precision and increases clinical indications of digital therapies.

Building upon its Trios 3, 3Shape added new fluorescent and illumination functions to the Trios 4 that allow it to detect caries and cracks. The wireless version also has greater battery life. Interestingly, iTero and Planmeca both introduced devices with similar caries detection functions.

I get the feeling that this level of competition is similar to the rivalry among smartphone manufacturers to introduce models with bezel-less display, multiple lenses, fingerprint-on-display functions, etc., and is a sign that the technology is approaching the end of a core development cycle. It also indicates that this is a good timing for most dentists to start using intraoral scanners, and they needn’t worry that the new devices will make the equipment they are current using obsolete.

CEREC Primescan booth.

CEREC Primescan emphasizes good signal acquisition ability in the case of surfaces that are highly reflective or have no characteristics.

3Shape Trios 3 and Trios 4.

Trios 4 has a unique fluorescent light caries detection function.


2. Intensive software integration, initial application of AI concepts

In the wake of the growing split between chair-side and lab-side software that existed two years ago, we can say that competition in these two market segments has now settled into a relatively fixed pattern. There are now full version of chair-side CAD with softwares designed by CEREC, 3Shape Dental System, and EXOCAD, and the softwares are now very user-friendly; the automated functions has ensured that non-technician users can easily learn to use the software. For its part, lab-side software has begun integrating multiple programs, and such functions as implant placement, CBCT, and prosthesis design—which previously required multiple programs—are now integrated within a single module. DSD and prosthesis design software have been evolving too, and are now often conveniently integrated in a single module.

It is worth mentioning that Dentsply Sirona has begun adding an artificial intelligence (AI) “deep learning” function to its software. This function sends information concerning users’ operations and their results, adjustments, and feedback to the data center at Dentsply Sirona’s headquarters, where it enables the AI to learn and improve its automatic generation of proposals. Can this form of AI integration push CAD to the next level and to the benefit of all clinicians? I am awaiting eagerly…

EXOCAD booth—this year’s slogan is ”Your freedom is our passion”.


3. Results of the competition in milling machines

Two year ago, it felt like almost one out of every three booths was selling milling machines. Now that competition has subsided, Amann Girrbach, Imes-icore, VHF, DGSHAPE (Roland), and Ivoclar Vivadent are the main surviving competitors. We can tell which products are favored in the industry by how often they appear under another brand name, Amann Girrbach is currently the leading OEM producer on behalf of other brands.

Unlike in the past, not all milling machines are now multi-purpose devices, and there is beginning to be some differentiation between chair-side and lab-side machines in response to different needs. Amann Girrbach has even established a new brand name called “IDC” for its chair-side machines, and I plan to write another article discussing how the machines are different.

Another major feature consists of improved user interfaces. All the brands have abandoned their past “industrial style” appearance, eliminated complex designs, and have instead switched to simple and easy-to-understand graphic interfaces. As a result, operation is more intuitive. We can see that these companies have designed their new products from the user’s perspective.

Imes-icore’s differentiated products—The first machine on the left is a key product introduced this year: CORiTEC One.

The CS 3100 is manufactured by Amann Girrbach, and bears the Carestream brand.

The special milling processes: Carving mode.


4. The battle for the 3D printer market begins

In place of the battle to dominate the milling machine market, a new conflict has broken out over the 3D printer market. Resin printers occupy the mainstream of this market, and even when the leading brands have not developed their own 3D printers, they still displayed OEM printers bearing their own brand names. Probably the most common label we saw at IDS was Rapidshape.

Because close attention must be paid to the shrinkage of the printing material, the integration of “printing, cleaning, and light-curing” components in conjunction with printing material together is the sign of a mature manufacturer. Ivoclar Vivadent’s heavyweight product this year was the PrograPrint, which had very simple printing, cleaning, and light-curing workflow, and also featured and integrated material cartridge and printer tank design that ensures changing material is quick and simple. Pure materials manufacturers have also not been idle, and have introduced a dazzling variety of printing fluids for various indications. Among them, Temp materials seems to be the most popular, and even such a conventional firm as DMG introduced the LuxaPrint, while GC also introduced Temp Print to capture a share of the 3D-printing market.

No metal printers suitable for chair-side use were seen at IDS. I don’t think that metal printers will ever really take off in clinics unless the commercial value of RPDs and metal crowns is improved.

New developments have occurred in zirconia printers. But while there were two firms, DWS and Lithoz, offering zirconia printers solutions and displaying products, determining their precision and strength will require many tests and verifying reports.

A key product from Ivoclar Vivadent: The three elements of the PrograPrint system.

Always at the forefront of 3D printers: Zirconia printer technology introduced this year by DWS.

DMG LuxaPrint crosses over into a new market.

DETAX introduces multipurpose printing material.


5. Simplification of jaw motion tracking devices

The technological mainstream of jaw motion tracking devices has started to shift toward optical detection (such as Modjaw seen two years ago). Zebris introduced an all-new Optic Jaw; although its software hasn’t changed very much, its use of optical principles have allowed a reduction in the weight and simplification of the digital face bow—which has induced other companies to sell this product under their own brands. Design software, such as EXOCAD adding integration to jaw motion tracking software, has begun to gradually feature improvements; although this is a relatively small market niche, because of its importance in digital full-mouth reconstruction, it should not be neglected.

The Optic Jaw, which is manufactured by Zebris and shown here bearing Amann Girrbach’s brand, shares the same design language as the Artex articulator.


6. Implant navigation still seek to survive in a market dominated by surgical guides

In spite of the fact that surgical guides represent the market mainstream, a few manufacturers of implant navigation still displayed their wares at the recent IDS. Unlike the much maligned bulky handpieces and optical equipment of the past, current devices are much later and more compact, offer quicker positioning, and have reasonable prices. As a result, these Implant navigation still hope to compete on even terms with surgical guides.

Lightweight implant navigation sets


7. Saturation of competition for zirconia

No special new products were seen in the area of glass ceramic blocks, and digitally-oriented ceramic blocks, including multilayer, zirconia reinforcement, and hybrid products, have taken the lead in this market. Only GC was ready to do battle with its Initial® LiSi product.

Zirconia, especially the cubic zirconia sometimes known as third-generation zirconia, was seen everywhere displaying gradient colors, which is now a standard for all manufacturers. The market leading Katana displayed long zirconia blocks for use in chairside bridges, and also shortened sintering time to 18 minutes. Ivoclar Vivadent also introduced its new ZirCAD Prime.

Large numbers of new zirconia products introduced by VITA .

Ivoclar Vivadent’s ZirCAD Prime gradient zirconia.

Of course DMG did not forget its LuxaCam.


8. Improved hardware user interface, digital orthodontics, and patient motivators offer new possibilities for the road ahead.

At a time when digital dentistry technology has already reached the saturation point, I feel that the there is still room for improvement. I could see this year that manufacturers had put great effort into making their intraoral scanners, design software, milling machines, and printers simpler. After all, since the final users will be dentists, technicians, or assistants, assuming that the quality of different products is similar, it is the products that are easiest to use that will be most popular.

The development of digital orthodontics has only really gotten underway after the expiration of the Invisalign patent. Because of its late development, digital orthodontics products have made great strides every time I see them, and their future developmental direction will be toward greater adjustability while performing automatic calculations.

I began seeing many more types of software intended to increase patient motivation at this IDS, and most took the form of tablet apps. The Kapanu smile simulation software that I saw two years ago has been purchased by Ivoclar Vivadent and re-introduced as the IvoSmile, which incorporates many practical functions, as well as more precise AR positioning. The DSD app introduced by Coachman also has similar functions, but I did not see it at the recent IDS. The orthodontic software introduced by Dentsply Sirona, 3Shape, and Align also contains programs capable of rapidly displaying simulation results. It seems as if manufacturers have discovered the importance of marketing in digital dentistry. By boosting dentists’ business, effectively marketed products can also indirectly increase the manufacturer’s own sales.

Greatly improved graphic milling machine user interfaces.

Dentsply Sirona’s clear aligner solution: SureSmile.

Kapanu software purchased by Ivoclar Vivadent and renamed IvoSmile.


One more thing… The most surprising new technology I saw this year

The SoftCeram COLOR—an inkjet printer intermediate between a 2D and 3D printer. Do you remember this movie segment?


Take a look at this video then:

Correct, the function of this machine is internal staining, and it can be called a zirconia staining machine. When you place an un-sintered zirconia crown in the printing chamber, the machine will first scan the exterior of the object, and then use its software to design the gradient and color that you require. It uses an inkjet mechanism to precisely spray zirconia staining agent in the desired shades.

This is the last mile in digital dentistry. During my teaching experience of the last few years, I found that the chair-side procedure that my students worry most about is not the digital process of scanning, design, or milling, but instead the post-processing after milling. Although the function of this machine is currently limited to the internal staining of zirconia, if a similar concept can be developed further, when an inkjet printer can be used to stain glass ceramics, while allowing us digitally enter the scanned tooth color and characteristic, and it will then be possible to perform scanning, design, milling, external staining, and glazing in a single machine—a “pure” digital workflow can be fully realized. I look forward to when this day comes.

SoftCeram COLOR, digital zirconia internal staining machine.

Different gradient colors can be seen after inkjet printing.



2019 will be remembered as the year in which digital dentistry firmly occupied a mainstream position. All the major brands have perfected digital workflows, and all materials vendors offer complete product lines. As far as those dentists who have already embraced digital dentistry for a number of years are concerned, their freedom of treatment has been broadened even more, and various types of treatment methods embodying innovative thinking will be springing up. As for those dentists who have not yet adopted digital methods, the options are all relatively safe, and there is little chance that a dentist will be constrained by a poor choice of brand.

After visiting two IDS, I feel that I have observed a natural ecosystem: The strongest have gotten even stronger, while the weak have quietly made their exit. Some technologies that originally induced high expectations have vanished, and some unremarkable technologies are still at the conceptual stage. However, many new ideas are flourishing. In view of digital dentistry’s highly developed state, what new leaps forward will we see two years from now? I think it will be difficult to improve significantly on current hardware, but we can expect to see more software progress and automation. Nevertheless, I still look forward to IDS 2021 giving me some unexpected surprises.

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IDS 2019 整體發展趨勢報告 Fri, 29 Mar 2019 06:11:12 +0000 『當 iPhone 跟 Android 手機開始比相機畫素、比處理器速度、比機殼顏色,而不是我有的科技你沒有的時候,就代表這個技術已經成熟了。從這次 IDS 2017 可以看出來,全世界的醫師跟廠商們...

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『當 iPhone 跟 Android 手機開始比相機畫素、比處理器速度、比機殼顏色,而不是我有的科技你沒有的時候,就代表這個技術已經成熟了。從這次 IDS 2017 可以看出來,全世界的醫師跟廠商們已經不再對數位牙科抱持著懷疑態度,而是全力往這個牙科的新時代衝刺,根據這次展覽的各大廠進度,我相信在下一屆的 IDS 前,數位牙科就會進入上述的完全成熟狀態。』

– 兩年前 IDS 發展趨勢專文,我下的結尾。

兩年後的今天,我們真的在這次的 IDS 2019 看到了數位牙科發展完成的樣貌。

這次參展的廠商大致沒變 (連攤位設計跟位置都很像),但口掃機全部換了一輪、軟體更加深度整合、研磨機混戰的結果出線、3D 列印市場正式開戰、下顎追蹤裝置精簡化、導航植牙在導板肆虐下力求生存、瓷塊氧化鋯盤已經殺成紅海、數位矯正、使用者操作介面 (UI) 改良以及患者動機強化則是新的出路。



1. 口掃機的技術發展已達巔峰

今年幾乎所有的廠商都有推出新一代口掃機,其中前年技術略為落後的幾家廠商 Carestream、Planmeca、Dentalwing、GC、iTero 跟 Medit 的新機都有長足進步,已經非常接近前年的 Omnicam 跟 Trios 了,已達到可在臨床日常使用的程度。

至於原本就已經封頂的 Dentsply Sirona 跟 3Shape 則是各自找了新的突破口,Dentsply Sirona 選擇強化在口掃技術上的發展,在 Primescan 上使用了全新的掃描原理來達到更快的擷取、更深的景深、對高反射以及無特徵表面的處理,也增加掃描頭大小提高全口掃描的精準度,增加臨床口掃能治療的適應症。

3Shape 則是以 Trios 3 為基礎,在 Trios 4 加上了新的掃描頭提供螢光以及透光功能,用來偵測蛀牙以及裂痕,同時為無線的機種提供了更長的電池續航力。有趣的是,不知道是消息走漏還是太有默契, iTero 跟 Planmeca 也同時推出了類似的蛀牙偵測功能。


CEREC Primescan 攤位

CEREC Primescan 強化了對高反射以及無特徵表面的擷取能力

3Shape Trios 3 與 Trios 4

Trios 4 獨特的螢光蛀牙偵測功能


2. 軟體的深度整合,AI 概念開始加入

從前年的 Chair-side、Lab-side 軟體分野產生開始,今年可算是大致歸位了,CEREC/Inlab、3Shape Dental System、EXOCAD 三大設計軟體的 Chairside 端都已經完善,操作上使用者親和性也高,加入許多自動運算讓非技師的使用者也能比較好上手;Lab-side 軟體則是開始多軟體整合,植體擺放、CBCT、贋復設計等以前要多軟體才能完成的工作也開始整合進單一模組中,DSD 與贋復設計軟體也同步得更好了,可以一模組多用相當便利。

值得一提的是,Dentsply Sirona 開始在設計軟體中加入 AI (Artificial Intelligence) 的「深度學習」成分,每一位使用者的操作以及生成的結果、調整、反饋,都會回傳到 Dentsply Sirona 的總部數據中心,成為軟體自動生成牙齒型態的教材。這樣的 AI 整合能為 CAD 帶來多大的進步呢,我拭目以待。

EXOCAD 攤位,今年的標語是 “Your freedom is our passion”


3. 研磨機混戰的結果出線

還記得前年的平均走三攤一家研磨機廠商的大爆發嗎?今年潮退了之後選擇的方向也比較明朗了,Amann Girrbach、imes-icore、VHF、DGSHAPE(Roland)、Ivoclar Vivadent 這幾家廠商是存活下來的競爭者,我們可從各廠商的機器被貼標的程度來了解業界的喜好選擇,目前 Amann Girrbach 是最常替大品牌代工的廠商。

於此同時,不像以前大多以全功能的機器為主,Chair-side 用與 Lab-side 用的機器也開始因需求產生區隔化產品,Amann Girrbach 甚至為它的 Chair-side 用機器成立一個新品牌:IDC,這到底差異在哪裡會另有專文討論。

另一大特色則是使用者介面 (UI) 的改良,各廠商在操作上擺脫了過去的『工業風』,刪掉了繁文縟節的表單,改用簡單易懂的圖形化介面,操作上變得為直觀,真正的有從使用者的角度來研發產品了。

imes-icore 的區隔化產品,左一為今年推出的關鍵機型: CORiTEC One

Amann Girrbach 製造,Carestream 貼標的 CS 3100

多家廠商採用的特殊的研磨流程: Carving mode


4. 3D 列印市場正式開戰

今年取代研磨機大戰的,就是 3D 列印了,樹脂列印還是占最大宗,各大品牌就算沒有自己研發 3D 列印機,也會推出貼標的他廠列印方案,目前整個展場看下來最常被合作的品牌是 Rapidshape。由於必須精準掌握列印材料的收縮程度,『印、洗、照』三件組的合併,再搭配自產列印材推出也是成熟廠商的表現。 Ivoclar Vivadent 今年的重磅新品就是 PrograPrint,他將『印、洗、照』的流程設計的很簡單,材料匣與列印槽的合併設計也讓換材料變得輕鬆快速。純材料商也沒有閒著,推出了玲瑯滿目的各種適應症列印液,其中 Temp 的列印材算是熱門標的,連一些傳統廠商例如 DMG 都推出 LuxaPrint, GC 也推出 Temp Print 來搶佔列印商機。

金屬列印部分還是沒有見到適合診間用的機型,我想如果 RPD 跟 Metal crown 的商業價值沒有提升,是不會看到這一天的。

氧化鋯列印則是全新的發展,目前已有兩家廠商 DWS、Lithoz 提出氧化鋯的列印方案並展示成品,到底精準度跟強度如何還需要更多實驗與文獻驗證。

Ivoclar Vivadent 的關鍵新品: PrograPrint 三件組

永遠走在 3D 列印的最前線: DWS,今年推出氧化鋯列印技術

DMG LuxaPrint 跨界搶市

DETAX 推出的多種用途列印材


5. 下顎追蹤裝置精簡化

下顎追蹤裝置的技術主流開始轉變成光學偵測(例如前年就存在的 Modjaw),Zebris 推出了全新的 Optic Jaw,軟體操作沒太大改變,但使用光學原理簡化了數位面弓的重量與設計,大受其他廠商好評紛紛貼標。設計軟體例如 EXOCAD 在下顎追蹤運動匯入的整合也開始慢慢改良,雖然這塊的市場相對較小,但因為在數位全口重建上的重要性倒也沒被忽視。

Zebris 製造,Amann Girrbach 貼標的 Optic Jaw ,跟 Artex 咬合器有著同樣的設計語言


6. 在手術模板的主宰下,導航植牙仍力求生存

雖然現在植牙導板仍是主流,這次 IDS 還是有一些導航植牙的廠商參展。一別引人詬病的笨重手機與光學設備,現在的裝置已被設計得更為輕巧,定位速度也更快,價格也更親民了。期待它崛起與導板比拚的一天。



7. 瓷塊氧化鋯盤已經殺成紅海

今年在玻璃陶瓷瓷塊部分並沒有看到特別的新商品,畢竟多層次、氧化鋯強化(ZLS)、Hybrid 等比較數位取向的瓷塊市場上都已經有領導者,只有 GC 推出了 Initial® LiSi 二矽酸鋰參戰。氧化鋯,尤其是俗稱第三代氧化鋯的 Cubic zirconia 搭配漸層色遍地開花,好像不賣這個就不能說自己賣氧化鋯了一樣到處都是,領先廠商 Katana 則是補齊了 Chairside 牙橋用的長鋯塊,以及縮短燒結時間到 18 分鐘;Ivoclar Vivadent 也新推出 ZirCAD Prime 應戰。

VITA 推出的大量氧化鋯新品

Ivoclar Vivadent 的 ZirCAD Prime 多層次氧化鋯

DMG 當然也不會忘了出 LuxaCam


8. 硬體使用者操作介面 (UI) 改良、數位矯正、以及患者動機強化是新的出路。


數位矯正則是在 Invisalign 專利過期之後才開始發展,因為起步較晚,目前每次看到的進步幅度都蠻大的,讓醫師在自動運算的前提下能有更多可調整性會是接下來的方向。

這次也開始看到許多患者動機強化的軟體出現,大多以平板 APP 的模式呈現,前年看到的 Kapanu 微笑模擬已被 Ivoclar Vivadent 買下變成 IvoSmile,增加了不少實用功能,AR 的定位也更準確了。Coachman 推出的 DSD APP也有類似功能,可惜這次沒能在展場看到。 Dentsply Sirona、3Shape、Align 的矯正軟體也推出了快速模擬成果的程式。看來現在廠商也發現了行銷在數位牙科的重要性,畢竟讓牙醫師成交的量提高,應該也能間接提高自己的產品成交率。


Dentsply Sirona 提出的 Clear aligner solution: SureSmile

被 Ivoclar Vivadent 買下的 Kapanu,改名為 IvoSmile


One more thing… 本年度最令我驚豔的新科技

SoftCeram COLOR,一台介於二維列印跟三維列印中間的噴墨印表機,大家還記得這個橋段嗎?



這,正是數位牙科的最後一哩路。在這幾年的授課經驗中,最多人對 Chair-side 流程擔心的部分反而不是口掃、設計、研磨等數位化流程,而是研磨出來後的『後製』。雖然這台機器目前還僅限於氧化鋯內染,但類似的想法如果能繼續發展下去,當玻璃陶瓷的外染也能噴墨列印的時候,我們就能輸入數位取得的牙齒顏色以及口掃模型,一路從設計、研磨、外染、燒結一機完工,所謂的 “Pure” Digital workflow 才總算是真正圓滿,期待這一天的到來。

SoftCeram COLOR,數位氧化鋯內染機



2019 年的 IDS,是數位牙科正式走入 Early majority 的一年,所有的大品牌都已經完備了自己的數位流程,各材料商的產品線也都已經完整。對已經踏入數位多年的牙醫師來講,治療的自由度變得更加寬廣,各種創新有想法的治療案例即將如雨後春筍般冒出;對尚未踏入數位的牙醫師來講,則是入門的選擇變得安全,比較不會有選錯廠商導致綁手綁腳的問題發生。

參加了兩屆 IDS,對比下就像是在觀察一個自然生態系:大者愈發壯大,小者默默淡出;有些原本被賦予高度期待的科技消失了,有些文風不動還停留在概念階段;但同時也有些新的想法萌芽了。在這樣已經高度發展的結構下,兩年後還能看到什麼躍進呢? 我想硬體上應該是很困難了,軟體的進步與自動化是比較可以預期的,但我仍然期待著兩年後的 IDS 2021 能帶給我意料之外的驚喜。

The post IDS 2019 整體發展趨勢報告 appeared first on CEREC Digest.

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CEREC Primescan 第一手評測:數位製程源頭的震撼彈 Mon, 04 Feb 2019 15:32:05 +0000 每屆的 IDS 前夕,都是各大廠商推出重大發表的時機。 Dentsply Sirona 上週六日在德國舉辦了一場秘密會議,而 CEREC Asia 創辦人曹皓崴醫師參與了這次會議,帶回了大量令人振奮的...

The post CEREC Primescan 第一手評測:數位製程源頭的震撼彈 appeared first on CEREC Digest.


每屆的 IDS 前夕,都是各大廠商推出重大發表的時機。 Dentsply Sirona 上週六日在德國舉辦了一場秘密會議,而 CEREC Asia 創辦人曹皓崴醫師參與了這次會議,帶回了大量令人振奮的新訊息。會議中公布了多項近期內的重大發表,以及Dentsply Sirona 對市場的需求所做出的回應。而第一波能釋出的重磅消息,就是全新的口掃機: CEREC Primescan。

近年來,數位市場漸漸的被區分為兩大塊,一個是 Chair-side;另一個是 Lab-side。而 Lab-side 因醫師只參與口掃,所以又被簡稱為「Digital impression (DI)」。科技的發展,都是朝向『簡化』的方向在前進。一直以來,Dentsply Sirona 專注耕耘的都是 Chair-side 這端,將所有的心力投注在軟硬整合、軟體親和度、研磨機的良率控制、後製的單純性;而這次更新,他們則是下足了功夫在 DI 這塊市場。

推出這台全新的 CEREC Primescan,主打「最精準」、「零上手難度」、「高速掃描」等三大訴求。讓任何人拿起這台口掃機,不需要經過任何的訓練,就可以取得完美的數位印模。他是如何做到的?以下分項敘述:



首先可以看到,CEREC Primescan 大體上承襲了以往的推車設計,但螢幕改成了多點觸碰的觸控螢幕,加寬到了 16:9,搭配可動式關節設計,可調整成較為平躺的手繪工作站模式,實際操作起來類似微軟的 Surface Studio(編按:這點我非常喜歡),相信這樣的設計能為 Chair-side CAD 帶來很大的改變,對新入手的操作人員來說,能點擊螢幕也更為直觀。




當然, CEREC Primescan 最核心的部分還是口掃機, Dentsply Sirona 在會議上說這是現今世界上最準的口掃機,並提出了一些文獻驗證,關於這部分我們教育中心的 R&D 小組也已經開始進行實驗驗證,相信幾天後陳鉉的文章能給我們一個最真實的結果。但單從官方提到的幾個改良點來看,我也相信準確度絕對是有顯著的提升的。

第一,它增加了掃描區域的大小。我們都知道,口掃機的誤差都不是來自單一取像的誤差,而是影像縫合造成的誤差,因此使用小頭的口掃機時,我們必須經過訓練過的掃描策略來達到縫合的精準性,會有一個學習曲線。而 CEREC Primescan 加大這個掃描頭的大小到約兩顆半大臼齒 (15 x 15 mm),接近 3shape 掃描頭的大小,也增加影像疊合面積到 300 x 300 Pixel。這樣的改變能減少每次疊合造成的誤差,也能降低無法辨認的發生率,當然最後就提高了整體的掃描效率。這也讓掃描全口無牙或是長缺牙區的患者變得更加容易。但這個加大後的掃描頭,實際上在患者的口內操作起來會不會有障礙,還要等我們拿到機器後才能進行進一步評估。

第二,它使用了全新的光學取像原理,礙於保密協定不方便在這裡討論,但可說的部分是,它從原本的三角測量改為直上直下的光源測距,大幅度的減少了物體表面反射造成的盲點,以及牙縫裡光線進出角度受限的問題。同時,它提高了單一取像的解析度到 100,000,000 個 Point clouds,再經由即時的運算刪減到最重要的 1,000,000 個點,這樣五倍於 Omnicam 的高解析度跟重點運算可以改善以往一些銳角在過度掃描時的圓鈍問題。最後,它的取像鏡頭會在口掃機內部進行每秒 80 來回的 20 mm 高速前後移動,這能增加口掃機的可視深度,一次取得更多的資訊,可以減少掃描需要走過的路徑同時增加單次疊圖的深度,大幅度提高效率,相信這點未來在 post 的製作上也能提供很顯著的幫助。


第四, 掃描時的 AI 即時運算裁剪。現在軟體經由學習更能辨識出掃描到的東西,誰是牙齒誰是牙齦。以往我們知道掃描到可動組織容易造成疊合的誤差,所以我們只要一不小心掃到就會停下來切除。現在軟體辨認這些不需要的組織能力大幅提升,自動即時裁切功能的改進讓掃描變得更輕鬆,也減少疊合誤差。這從下面這個官方的示範影片可以顯著地看的出來。


總結來講, CEREC Primescan 的幾個重大更新從「掃描頭大小」、「 取像原理」、「光源波長」以及「軟體 AI 輔助」解決了許多以往我們要在課堂上花整個早上講解的口掃眉角,讓口掃變成真的誰拿起來隨便掃,都能掃出一樣的結果。




在 CEREC Primescan 中搭載的是 CEREC 5.0,直接改動了版本號的個位數,也就代表這是一個大幅度的更新。整個介面由原本的淡藍色背景改成白色背景,設計流程仍與我們所習慣的相近。最大的不同是,以往 Biojaw 是經由計算鄰近牙齒來生成要修復的那顆牙齒外型,也就是從單一牙弓去取得資料; CEREC 5.0 則是加入了 AI 所謂的「深度學習」,每一位使用者的操作以及生成的結果、調整、反饋,都會回傳到 Dentsply Sirona 的總部數據中心,成為軟體生成 Proposal 的 AI 教材。也就是說,你得到的初始設計,是全世界 CEREC user 提供的經驗總和。這樣的 AI 整合能為我們帶來 CAD 上多大的進步呢,我拭目以待。



本文簡單的敘述了 Dentsply Sirona 2019 年推出的全新口掃機 CEREC Primescan 的更新概要,更多的實機操作以及臨床實驗結果敬請期待我們的進一步報導。 於此同時,其實 CEREC Omnicam 也有硬體上的更新和發佈相對應的 CEREC 4.7,它與 Primescan 之間的比較以及選購指南想必也是很多人想知道的部分,這將會再另文作介紹。

老實說,這次 Dentsply Sirona IDS 前的重大訊息發表,相較於去年的單純 CEREC 4.5 ,讓我感到非常雀躍。除了 Primescan 外,還有許多目前還不能說的新產品以及科技,從這些想法我可以很清晰地看到他們的數位牙科視野,真正讓我感覺到這隻大獅子,在經過這段時間組織整併的沉淺之後,終於開始醒過來了。非常期待,接下來這段時間數位牙科的爆發性發展。

The post CEREC Primescan 第一手評測:數位製程源頭的震撼彈 appeared first on CEREC Digest.

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我們的超薄挑戰旅程 The story of our single-visit ultrathin veneer challenge. Thu, 28 Dec 2017 16:49:01 +0000 本文翻譯自陳鉉醫師,原文連結 上週末是 CEREC Asia 的年會,在這個年會中我們展示了整個團隊 2017 年的成果。   在我們分享的幾個主題中,有一個特別受到關注的題目: non-p...

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上週末是 CEREC Asia 的年會,在這個年會中我們展示了整個團隊 2017 年的成果。



在我們分享的幾個主題中,有一個特別受到關注的題目: non-prep CAD/CAM 超薄貼片。



就我個人來說,我對這種 non-prep 或是 minimal-prep 的方式並不是太有興趣,一來運用範圍比較狹窄,二來需要較高的牙齒結構完整性要求。他們同時也需要比一般貼片更大量的技師工作以及技巧;在醫師端, delivery 的前後處理也更具挑戰性且費時。而且老實說吧,我是一個懶惰的傢伙。




然而,在那個命運之日,我在 Facebook 上看到了這個友善的挑戰。 這出自於台灣的一位贋復大師,儘管不是使用 CAD / CAM,他經常展示一些令人驚嘆的作品。



開玩笑的,於是隔天我馬上被自願接下這個「用 CAD/CAM 作出一樣成果」的不可能任務。理論上,我能對我的老闆說不,但我還是希望能有份工作過活。


「150 µm 就可以了啦!」



你是指 150 µm 嗎? 這是 70 µm 的邊緣。


如果你曾仔細觀察瓷塊研磨的過程,粗糙的鑽石用難以置信的速度猛烈撞擊在脆弱的陶瓷上,你會驚訝它竟然可以成功完成最終的贋復物;但並不是所有的陶瓷都能作到,所以第一件事,我們必須知道每種陶瓷在多薄的邊緣下,仍然不會發生 chipping。

Enamic CAD/CAM 隱形眼鏡,有人要來一片嗎?





Thomas,CEREC Asia 的 CEO,完全不敢去想像為了這個案例我們用了多少瓷塊。


儘管還沒經過嚴謹縝密的科學驗證,我們測試了十幾種不同的瓷塊,發現 Enamic 的表現最為穩定,對於 200 µm 以下的贋復物尤其如此。


這位患者在兩個正中門牙間有 diastema。

贋復物是在 InLab 中設計的。 為了得到一個清晰的掃描,我們使用了比平常更多的粉末。






不瞞你說,發現 non-prep 貼片竟然也可以是 CEREC 當天完成的項目之一,這點我們也非常驚訝。

我們的教育中心主要任務之一,就是標準化以及優化這些新的工作流程。 因此,儘管這個第一個案例花了我們整整一天來嘗試與失敗,下一個案例我們已經成功地減少了一半以上的製作時間。



我謹代表 CEREC Asia,感謝所有為這個有趣專題貢獻的瘋狂牙科相關人士們。

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Dentsply Sirona Ultimate Dental Meeting 2017 簡介 Introducing Dentsply Sirona Ultimate Dental Meeting 2017 Sun, 08 Oct 2017 11:27:14 +0000 Dentsply Sirona Ultimate Dental Meeting 始於 10 多年前,拉斯維加斯舉行的 CEREC® 週年紀念慶祝活動,直到 2016 年 Dentsply 與 Siro...

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Dentsply Sirona Ultimate Dental Meeting 始於 10 多年前,拉斯維加斯舉行的 CEREC® 週年紀念慶祝活動,直到 2016 年 Dentsply 與 Sirona 合併後,當時原本稱為 SIROWORLD 的年度教育活動擴張為現在的 Dentsply Sirona Ultimate Dental Meeting。

內容除了 CAD/CAM 外,增加了 Endodontics, Imaging, Implantology, Orthodontics, Preventive, Prosthetics & Lab, Restorative, Business & Practice Management, Office Design, Special Markets & Topics 等 11 個主題,與會對象也包含了各科醫師、技師、口腔衛生師、診所經理人、助理…等,目的為展示牙科的現代科技、促進用戶廠商交流、提供大量臨床教育以及各種娛樂。

2016 年於奧蘭多舉辦,一共超過 4,000 名與會者。
2017 年,一共有來自 50 個國家、 7,000 多人來到拉斯維加斯參與了這次活動。

The Venetian & the Palazzo hotel, Las Vegas. Source: Dentsply Sirona FB

Source: Dentsply Sirona FB

Source: Dentsply Sirona FB


在主要活動上,教育方面邀請到的是 Frank Spear 與 Gregg Kinzer;特別演講則是請到了 Will Smith 與 TED 講者 Simon Sinek;娛樂部分則由腹語師 Jeff Dunham 以及第 56 屆格萊美獎得主 Imagine Dragons 擔當。



主要的大演講之外,有著同時進行的 11 個教育頻道,三天內總共進行了約 200 堂的課程,150 多位講師發表了演講。參加者可以只參與自己有興趣的軌道,或是自由混和自己喜歡的課程,不過當然是無法全部都聽到的。





開幕式的一開始,在黑暗中以 LED 舞蹈表演開啟了序幕。接著 Dentsply Sirona 公司總裁邁克爾.奧林斯 (Michael Augins) 開場歡迎在場的所有來賓來到這個牙科會議。

Dr. Joshua Austin, Dr. Erin Elliot, Dr. Sarah Jockin 和 Dr. Cliff Ruddle 醫師們以簡單的演講作為開頭,讓參與者能更了解這三天會議的大方向。

Dr. Neal Patel 更是使用現場直播,在所有來賓面前進行了使用 CEREC Guide Kit 完成的植牙手術。

Source: Dentsply Sirona FB

Source: Dentsply Sirona FB

Source: Dentsply Sirona FB


開幕式結束後,牙材展以及 11 個教育頻道隨即展開,每位與會者可以自由決定自己想要的行程。


在一整天的大會和分組課程之後,與會者可以坐下來聽 Dr. Di Tolla 與 Will Smith 之間輕鬆的會談,他分享了他在演藝事業上的各種成功與失敗。

“Building a wall can be daunting, but if you focus on laying one perfect brick each day, the bricks eventually form a wall.”  – Will Smith

Source: Dentsply Sirona FB


夜晚,由 Jeff Dunham 的腹語表演帶來的笑聲,結束了 Dentsply Sirona World 的第一天。

Source: Dentsply Sirona FB


上午 9 點開始,開始主要的大演講,Dr. Frank Spear 與 Gregg Kinzer 深入討論了數位牙科對當代牙醫界帶來的改變,描述當代科技如何提升我們的治療品質與效率,就如何獲得最佳臨床結果與市場上現有產品提供了一些建議。

Source: Dentsply Sirona FB

Source: Dentsply Sirona FB


中午時段,TED Talk 發言人、暢銷書作家 Simon Sinek 演講了如何運用企業文化與創新態度激勵員工,並確立良好的管理制度,他的這個 TED Talk 演講影片「偉大的領袖如何鼓動行為」已被 3,100 萬人觀看,是 上第三大熱門影片。


Source: Dentsply Sirona FB


下午及傍晚繼續分組課程與牙材展,結束後,以 Imagine Dragons 的演唱會,火熱的結束這一天。

Source: Dentsply Sirona FB

Source: Dentsply Sirona FB



Source: Dentsply Sirona FB

結束後,晚上以間諜派對「DentSPY Sirona World」,所有參與者身著黑西裝,或是打扮成自己最喜歡的特工,在 TAO Nightclub 中狂歡結束 2017 年的 Dentsply Sirona Ultimate Dental Meeting。



以上 Reference 整理自曹醫師口述、 Dentsply Sirona FB 轉播及相關報導,詳細了解後真的很希望自己也能在現場,2018 年的奧蘭多 Dentsply Sirona Ultimate Dental Meeting 有機會的話,希望能飛過去見見世面。

接下來,CEREC Digest 也將為各位帶來曹醫師這次參與 Dentsply Sirona Ultimate Dental Meeting,三天下來所選課程頻道的重點整理,敬請期待。

Dentsply Sirona World 2017 – Wednesday and Thursday
Dentsply Sirona World 2017 – Friday and Saturday

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GC CERASMART™ 邊緣密合度比較 – Inlay 及 Endocrown Investigation: Margin Performance of CERASMART™ Sun, 10 Sep 2017 13:05:18 +0000 第二級窩洞 (class II) inlay 的傳統贋復技術已經相當成熟,因此常常成為醫師在初次接觸 Chairside CAD/CAM 當天完成時的首選項目。一方面,這是大部份醫師幾乎每天都會接觸的...

The post GC CERASMART™ 邊緣密合度比較 – Inlay 及 Endocrown <br/><div class='secondary-title'>Investigation: Margin Performance of CERASMART™</div> appeared first on CEREC Digest.

第二級窩洞 (class II) inlay 的傳統贋復技術已經相當成熟,因此常常成為醫師在初次接觸 Chairside CAD/CAM 當天完成時的首選項目。一方面,這是大部份醫師幾乎每天都會接觸的病例,另一方面,醫師希望藉由這種「簡單、小範圍」的治療,開始熟悉當日完成的 CAD/CAM 流程。

但,當醫師滿心期待磨出來的 inlay restoration 能穩穩的、牢牢的、密合的放入窩洞中時,偶爾會被開開的、晃動的、不密合的結果嚇到。在充滿疑問的情況下,短暫的詢問廠商或其他醫師後,通常就會得到一個結論:『CEREC 是不準的,CAD/CAM 可能還沒成熟吧!』。

事實上,第二級窩洞 (class II) 從來就不是一個「簡單的」Chairside CAD/CAM 適應症,從下圖 (Fig.1-3) 可以看到窩洞製備有較多的大角度轉折。這些轉折在研磨機車削 (CAM) 的原理下,必須要盡量圓滑避免尖銳角度,以避免因玻璃陶瓷本身物理性質造成的邊緣缺損,或是研磨機的鑽針產生過度研磨 (overmilling),導致贋復物置入後晃動。

圖1. 25 inlay prep 與 26 endocrown 窩洞修磨,可看到多個大角度轉折。 圖2. 25 inlay prep 近心側觀。 圖3. 3D 列印模型。Source: CEREC Asia Training Center, R&D department.

儘管了解原理,但我們牙醫師同時也會希望能盡量保留健康齒質,避免過度修型,一方面能避免術後敏感,另一方面保留越多的珐瑯質也代表了更可靠的黏著成果。在這樣的前提下,窩洞製備就會有較少的近遠心寬度以及更大的轉角角度 (Fig.4-5)。而這正是造成修復體邊緣破損不密合,或是晃動的主因,醫師就此陷入兩難。

圖4-5. 25 inlay prep 較大邊緣轉角角度。Source: CEREC Asia Training Center, R&D department.

另外,Endocrown 日漸被醫師運用在後牙根管治療後的贋復上,在邊緣設計上經常也會有接近 90 度的轉角,這就出現了和 Inlay 一樣的情況,如邊緣破損等 (Fig.6-7)。

圖6-7. Endocrown 90 度的邊緣轉角。Source: CEREC Asia Training Center, R&D department.

想解決這種狀況,在保守性的窩洞製備前提下,我們能尋找的出路就是從瓷塊材料下手:選擇可加工性大 (Machinability) 且具有彈性的玻璃陶瓷,利用材料的優勢同時達到保留齒質與邊緣完整性的要求。


所謂的「可加工性」 (Machineability),意即材料對於車針切削的反應,運用在陶瓷上時,切削通常都會造成一定程度的 Chipping。 可加工性越好,切削出來的成果就更接近電腦設計。很多因素會影響一個材料的可加工性,「脆性」是其中一個主要的因素。

在 2016 年,Lawson NC 等學者的文獻中 (表1),可以看到 GC Cerasmart 的維氏硬度 (Vickers hardness) 與象牙質相當,且擁有最低的楊氏模數 (Young’s modulus),在提供足夠強度的同時也具備了所有材料中最佳的「彈性」,這個特性對於研磨後的邊緣完整度有十分正面的意義。

表1. 常見CAD/CAM 用瓷塊性質。 Source: Lawson NC, et al. Wear, strength, modulus and hardness of CAD/CAM restorative materials. Dent Mater (2016)


為了進一步驗證這個結果, CEREC Asia 的教研部門設計了一個研究:

牙位 25 (inlay) 及 26 (endocrown),利用病患口掃的數位檔案輸出 3D 列印模型 (Formlab 2, 0.025mm layer thickness),並利用同一個檔案、全新鑽針 12S 以及精細模式研磨,使用 5 種不同材料研磨出贋復物,進行邊緣密合度的測試,分別是 GC Cerasmart、VITA MARK II、VITA Enamic、Dentsply Sirona Celtra Duo、VITA Suprinity。(Fig.8-10)

圖8-10. 3D 列印模型與研磨出來的贋復物。Source: CEREC Asia Training Center, R&D department.

最低的修復體厚度出現在 25 inlay 的 mesiobuccal,約 0.43 mm (Fig.11)。
最大的轉角接近 90 度,出現在 26 的 mesial。

圖11. 最薄的贋復體厚度 0.43 mm。Source: CEREC Asia Training Center, R&D department.


圖12. Resin-ceramic hybrids 陶瓷(CERASMART,ENAMIC)與其他陶瓷之間的差異是相當明顯的。 可以看到 Margin 的平滑度。 鋸齒狀和不規則邊緣表示該陶瓷有 chipping 的發生。Source: CEREC Asia Training Center, R&D department.

圖13. 前述陶瓷較薄區域 (25 inlay 的 mesiobuccal),可以看到 Resin-ceramic hybrids 陶瓷的表現依然良好。Source: CEREC Asia Training Center, R&D department.

圖14. 一樣可以看到一個趨勢,Resin-ceramic hybrids 的邊緣完整度表現優於 ZLS 更優於 Feldspar,其中 CERASMART 略優於 ENAMIC。Source: CEREC Asia Training Center, R&D department.

圖15. 在更高的放大倍數下,這個差異就更明顯了。Source: CEREC Asia Training Center, R&D department.

圖16. 在 Shoulder margin 的情況,仍然有局部 chipping 發生。Source: CEREC Asia Training Center, R&D department.


  1. 整體來說,Resin-ceramic hybrids (CERASMART,ENAMIC) 的研磨邊緣較為平順完整。
  2. 進一步來看,相較於 ENAMIC ,CERASMART 邊緣完整度似乎略為優秀。
  3. 最後,即使是 shoulder margin (endocrown),還是會發生零星 chipping 的狀況。
  4. 與 Lawson NC 等學者的數據結果預測符合 。

那問題是哪個 Resin-ceramic hybrids 比較好? CERASMART 具有比 ENAMIC 略高的 flexural strength,但有比牙本質更小的 Young’s modulus。 評估這些細項的優缺點超出了本文的範圍,如果我們只看可加工性,CERASMART 似乎略顯優勢。當然,在臨床的運用上要考慮的絕對不止這點。



本體外研究提供了在 inlay/onlay 等高難度 Chairside CAD/CAM 治療時材料選擇的參考,實際上的臨床成果以及長期追蹤仍需要進一步研究,讓我們在努力保留病人最多完整齒質的同時,不妥協治療成果。


1. Lawson NC, et al. Wear, strength, modulus and hardness of CAD/CAM restorative materials. Dent Mater (2016), Nov;32(11):e275-e283.

The post GC CERASMART™ 邊緣密合度比較 – Inlay 及 Endocrown <br/><div class='secondary-title'>Investigation: Margin Performance of CERASMART™</div> appeared first on CEREC Digest.

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CAD/CAM in Dentistry, 1988 A past vision of the future. Wed, 28 Jun 2017 03:29:03 +0000 本文是 Dr. Francois Duret 於 1988 年刊登在 JADA 的文章,在當時的年代,已經有幾間廠商與大學開始從事數位牙科相關研發...

The post CAD/CAM in Dentistry, 1988 <br/><div class='secondary-title'>A past vision of the future.</div> appeared first on CEREC Digest.

Dr. Francois Duret,又被稱為「牙科 CAD/CAM 之父」,自 1970 年起至今的 40 幾年間,都致力於將最新的科技導入牙科的臨床應用。他擁有 50 多個專利,但最廣為人知的還是他在光學取像 (optical imprint) 上的論文與實踐。

本文是 Dr. Francois Duret 於 1988 年刊登在 JADA 的文章,在當時的年代,已經有幾間廠商與大學開始從事數位牙科相關研發,Procera system 也已經開始在 indirect digital workflow 嶄露頭角。就讓我們跟隨 Dr. Duret 的介紹,回到當初那個年代,看看在那 Apple 剛發表圖形化介面 (GUI) 沒多久、微軟還在 MS-DOS 的時代中,醫師們是怎麼使用 direct digital workflow 的 。


製作一個固定義齒有一連串的步驟:在 prep 完成後,醫師需要使用彈性印模材來印模、倒模翻成石膏模型、製做固定義齒臘型、耐火材包埋臘型、最終脫蠟鑄造完成最後的贋復物。這是一個運行了 300 多年的優良技術,但從最初的印模材到最終成品歷經了多次的材料轉換,每次的轉換不但都會造成誤差之外,這樣的技術也無法善加利用現代進步的電腦與機器人 (robotics) 科技。基於上述原因,我們從 1971 年就開始試著導入 CAD/CAM 到牙科領域裡。

早期的研究多著重在理論的建立,這些研究固然傑出,但我們更迫切需要的是臨床的運用。1979 年 Heitlinger 與 Rodder、1980 年 Moermann 與 Brandestini(CEREC 的創始者)開始分享他們的研究成果,前者研磨出石膏模型來給技師製作贋復物;後者則是單純使用取像,來研磨 inlay 的內面。

接下來的五年,CAD/CAM 又銷聲匿跡了。直到 1983 年,我在法國的 Garanciere Conference 發表第一個牙科用的 CAD/CAM 原型機 (prototype) ,接著在 1985 年,全世界第一個未經任何傳統製程加工的 crown 公開被研磨且安裝到真人的口內。這年雖然是數位牙科 (computer-aided dentistry) 極具決定性的一年,但其實還有很長的路要走。上述這個系統的示範,是由好幾位工程師歷時 2 個小時左右完成的,但無論如何,這驗證了 14 年前在 French Congress 所建立的理論。

最近,兩個新的名字誕生了,日本的 Aoki 團隊與 Minnesota 大學的 Diane Rekow,Rekow 醫師使用攝影測量法 (photogrammetric) 獲取立體的牙齒資料庫 (theoretical tooth) 來用在他的第二、第三步驟,就像我們早期建立的一樣。順帶一提,Alabama 大學的 Reggie Caudill 也開始一個類似的專案。

在這篇文章,我們將介紹一個已經可以在診間使用的系統「Duret System」,是由洛杉磯的 Hennson International 公司在我們的指導下所開發完成的。



CAD/CAM 系統由 3D 探測系統 (probe system)、表面模型化軟體 (surface modeling)、顯示螢幕以及自動研磨機 (automatic milling machine) 組成:

  1. 我們使用光電 (electro-optical) 的理論來得到「印模」,這個方法運用了全像術 (holography) 跟莫瑞效應 (Moire Pattern),使用鏡頭數位化並將數據資料傳到電腦儲存,但牙醫師無法看這些數據操作,所以他們必須被「視覺化 (visualization) 」。從這裡我們可以看出來,「測量」和「重現一個模型」是兩回事。
  2. CAD 系統運用電腦編碼讓操作者可以在顯示器上「看到模型」進而設計贋復物,這步驟和傳統製程在石膏模型上製作蠟型是一樣的。
  3. 最後一個步驟,傳統的脫蠟鑄造被研磨材料方塊取代。雖然能運用傳統的材料製作料塊,但這個新方式能鼓勵更多新材料的研發。


CAD/CAM 系統包含了這三個部分,這對應了過程的三個基本步驟:

  1. 取像裝置輸入牙齒外型:這個裝置包含了雷射光源(二極體),投射光到想取像的區域,接著由裝置內的相機接收,數位化取得的資訊。
  2. CAD 系統:包含了硬體與軟體,讓操作者建立一個數位模型,在顯示器上觀看,並用來設計,這個系統會連接到一個專有的咬合器,叫做 access articulator,提供動態的下顎運動數據。
  3. CAM 系統:包含了一台四軸數位控制車床 (numerically controlled machine),來自動研磨材料。

圖一、診間用 CAD/CAM 系統。 Source: Francois Duret, CAD-CAM in dentistry, J Am Dent Assoc. 1988 Nov;117(6):715-20.



  1. 在診間內有一個完整的系統,光學取像裝置要接近診療椅,CAD 與 CAM 的部分可以在另外的房間,這個配置可以在病人麻藥還沒退的時候就直接作出贋復物,如果很多個醫師分享這套設備可以減少花費。也可以安裝在一個特定區域,就像 X 光室一樣。
  2. 每個診間有各自的光學取像裝置,然後共用一套 CAD/CAM 系統,雖然一定會比較貴,但可以減少患者移動到設備附近的需要,或是排隊等候使用。甚至可以增加 CAD/CAM 設備的數量,當天能完成的贋復物總數將能大大提升。
  3. 有光學取像裝置的醫師能連線到遠端的 CAD/CAM 設備,經由電話線搭配數據機,或是寄送一個磁片 (floppy disk) 到有設備的地方,例如技工所,技工所可能配備數套 CAD/CAM 設備。

在所有的狀況下,牙醫師可以藉由短短幾天的訓練,就能操作所有儀器。如果是有很多台儀器的診所,聘請專人特別操作後端 CAD/CAM 部分是比較可行的。

圖二、三種設備配置:(1) 一個診所擁有一套設備、(2) 一個診所擁有多台取像設備、(3) 醫師傳檔案到技工室,技工室擁有多套設備。 Source: Francois Duret, CAD-CAM in dentistry, J Am Dent Assoc. 1988 Nov;117(6):715-20.


圖三、有整套系統的診所配置。 Source: Francois Duret, CAD-CAM in dentistry, J Am Dent Assoc. 1988 Nov;117(6):715-20.



用 CAD/CAM 系統製作固定義齒,有一連串簡單且精細的步驟,可分作七個步驟,有些是臨床,有些是理論:

1. Prepare 牙齒
要製作 CAD/CAM 義齒的修磨原則與傳統並無不同。當鄰牙很接近時,避免 proximal 的表面過度垂直是明智的;咬合面如果有太深的溝,會導致陰影投射到感應器;為了要得到一個清晰的 margin,有些操作者喜歡使用 chamfer 或是 shoulder margin。

2. 準備印模區域
為了要清楚看到 sulcus,取像區域要清除所有殘渣、水、血液或唾液,就像傳統印模一樣(即便光學印模理論上能穿透液體)。再來,乾燥與排齦還是必要的,尤其是 margin 在牙齦下超過 1 mm 的狀況,排齦才能比較好的看到 sulcus,入射光與牙齒要有足夠的角度才能正確取像。薄薄的噴上一層白色、無毒的物質在牙齒上能提升取像品質,如果牙齒表面有比較反光的部位,會讓相機瞎掉 (blind the camera),我們會比較希望牙齒表面呈現一個朗伯特散射 (lambertian scattering) 的狀態。最後在牙齒夾上特殊的 clamp (類似一般的橡皮障夾),讓電腦可以比較好辨識並縫合每個取像。

3. 取像
操作者以握持手機的方式拿著光學取像裝置,在 abutment 上以多個角度取像:頰側 1 張、舌側 1 張、鄰接區域 2 張、對咬牙的咬合面 1 張。操作者能在顯示器上看到自己光學取像裝置擺放的位置,確定擺放好後,用腳踏板觸發取像。最後取一個希望用來製作的咬合位置,當然不需要這個取像也能製作,但有紀錄這個位置將能減少誤差,這個位置也會是動態咬合設計的起點。這整個步驟花費大概 2 – 3 分鐘。

4. 數位模型上的製作
所有的取像都存在電腦的記憶體,製作前會先產生每個取像的立體外型,接著再根據其相對關係重合堆疊起來。完成後會顯示在高解析度的顯示器上,再使用滑鼠或平板 (tablet) 辨認出解剖結構(如 contact area、cusp、groove … 等),其中最有趣的操作是標示 margin,在 abutment 的顯示頁面,醫師將決定一連串 margin 上的點。完成這個步驟後,電腦會自動運算並建立這系列取像的立體模型,並傳到 CAD 系統。

圖四、取像裝置整合治療椅、在軟體上標記 margin。 Source: Francois Duret, CAD-CAM in dentistry, J Am Dent Assoc. 1988 Nov;117(6):715-20.


5. 設計牙冠
在 CAD 系統上設計牙冠是一個很有趣的步驟,它明顯的表現了 CAD/CAM 的優勢。在牙科,最後的成品(贋復物)跟一開始的物件(支臺齒)是有很大差異的,能過走過這些步驟是因為贋復物的規則能整合進軟體裡,這種創造力,或稱為人工智慧 (artificial intelligence),在 1970 年就已經在牙科軟體裡存在,牙冠的設計分為四個步驟:

a. 設計內冠
數位模型是很大量的小點所構成,這些點再結合成表面,這個模型可以從很多的角度觀看,操作者也能隨時叫出鄰牙或對咬牙,儘管這些東西在這個步驟並沒有用處。這個系統建立了一個選單,選單的順序是單向但嚴格執行的,無法跳過任何步驟。操作者先檢查模型與 margin 是否正確,確認正確後可以輸入 cement space 的值,牙冠的內面就會從 margin 以上自動產生,margin 附近是不會有 cement space 的。

b. 設計頰、舌、鄰接面
電腦會先從資料庫 (bank of theoretical teeth) 中取出初步設計。特殊的程式會先將選定的基本設計根據前後牙的情況,自動調整頰舌側曲度、central groove 和 cusp 的排列與 contact area 的位置,接著操作者可以再次進行額外的調整,使用牙齒資料庫的優點是軟體能辨識解剖位置,操作者也可以直接調整特定解剖構造。

c. 建立咬合面
用建立 (build-up) 這個詞,是要強調在這個步驟中, CAD 設計很類似傳統的 wax-up。咬合面會先根據對咬牙的 cusp 及 groove 粗略的排列,操作者再於對咬牙上調整與選擇 cusp 理想的咬點位置,這個位置可以自由移動到 cusp-to-fossa 或 cusp-to-marginal ridge,另外也可以選擇功能性 (functional) 或是咬合性 (gnathologic) 的設計,分別代表著有 tripodic blockage 或 centric freedom。CAD 系統不會強加設計觀念,而是讓操作者能有選擇。當上述的調整都完成了,軟體根據 Lundeen’s technique 自動生成 cusp 跟 groove 對應到對咬牙的型態。

d. 調整牙冠外型
如果不滿意外型,操作者可以藉由移動點或拉動線調整,也可以拉高 cusp 或是創造 diastema。為了這個操作,這裡設計了特別的互動程序,讓不會用電腦的人也能輕鬆上手,鄰牙和對咬牙也可以同時出現來協助設計。

圖五、軟體設計頁面。 Source: Francois Duret, CAD-CAM in dentistry, J Am Dent Assoc. 1988 Nov;117(6):715-20.

圖六、軟體設計頁面。 Source: Francois Duret, CAD-CAM in dentistry, J Am Dent Assoc. 1988 Nov;117(6):715-20.



6. 研磨贋復物
贋復物的研磨是經由機器人來完成,這個機器人是一台小的四軸研磨機(28 x 20 x 20 英吋),有冷卻劑、自動更換鑽針功能,一共有八種鑽針。研磨程式在開始研磨前,會先自動檢查鑽針,檢查完畢後置入料塊,整個過程都是全自動的,研磨完成後就會有一個等待打亮與上色的成品。這個操作包含了兩個部分,計算鑽針路徑與執行研磨。

a. 計算鑽針路徑

b. 執行研磨
當計算完成後,就會開始進行研磨,首先料塊會以較大的範圍粗略切割,再組合幾種鑽針來達到精細的咬合面發育溝。咬合面完成後,料塊會翻轉並開始研磨內冠,一開始會先在確保有最多材料的狀態研磨 margin 減少破損,剩餘的部位後續才研磨,最後會換更精細的鑽針來完成 margin。以上步驟完成後,再移除多餘的材料到剩下兩支 attachment(傳統流程中稱之為 sprue),接著操作者再將成品從機器中取出。

7. 上色
CAD/CAM 牙冠的最後步驟是快速打亮及上色。上色的方式在 20 年前就已經建立了,最近 Dentsply 有新推出一種用於他們 Dicor 牙冠的上色方式,要保留這些顏色,贋復物必須再進爐 200 度燒製。為了讓顏色能更有預測性,專用的光譜儀 (Bertin) 也可以整合進 CAD/CAM 系統。儘管 CAD/CAM 可以使用任何傳統材料,最近有一種新的陶瓷,成分內含纖維結構,是特別為 CAD/CAM 設計的。



CAD/CAM 技術運用了最先進的科技,可以為牙科帶來很大的進展,但有一些現實的問題還是需要解答,例如精準度或使用難度。

數位模型的表面點數量可以從 50000 (Moermann) 到 16000000 (Rekow),但臨床的觀點跟工業還是不同的,越多的點並不代表越高的精準度,整體的精準度會在影像疊合時下降,尤其在很高解析度下看一個小物件的時候會更加明顯。但也有能彌補這個限制的方式,經過增加不同角度的取像(假設疊合是正確的),來達到更好的精準度。在一般的狀況,贋復物的精準度並不需要小於 40 µm。另外,使用 CAD/CAM 精細度無法達到 5 µm 以下,因為軟體上曲線的平滑度與研磨時鑽針的位置限制。因此要小心不要把精準度 (precision) 跟解析度 (resolution) 這兩個詞搞混了,然後要理解到要達到 10 µm 以下精準度在技術上是可行的,但在人力、材料以及金錢的投資是否值得這樣做?

操作者跟整個系統的互動要越簡單越好,要到像麥金塔 (Macintosh) 電腦一樣的簡單,讓使用者能在一週內學會。



CAD/CAM 在牙科的運用會影響到臨床以及研究的方向,結論都必須要非常小心的檢視;但在工業上,這個科技爆發性的發展,讓我們確信這個科技可以很快的在牙科專業領域採用,考慮到它的許多可能性,它的未來發展性是非常可觀的。


François Duret_1987.Beyonf Australia vduret1


看完後大家是不是也發現了,假設不論一些用詞的差異,這篇文章把年代遮掉後似乎也能套用到現在的數位牙科。是 Dr. Francois Duret 的眼光放得很遠,精準的預測到了 30 年後的今天;還是其實我們人類的步伐一直都在繞圈圈呢?

思索這個問題的同時,又不禁令人好奇,Dr. Francois Duret 看到了 30 年後,他畢生的夢想終於好像要實現的今天,他心裡又是什麼感覺呢?


1.Francois Duret, CAD-CAM in dentistry, J Am Dent Assoc. 1988 Nov;117(6):715-20.

The post CAD/CAM in Dentistry, 1988 <br/><div class='secondary-title'>A past vision of the future.</div> appeared first on CEREC Digest.

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